Frequently Asked Questions

Healing For Women

Who are the women you treat?
Each woman comes to see me with her own story. Often she comes in fatigued and stressed. Whether it’s from the fast-paced demands of raising children and/or working, she is often overwhelmed. Usually her children see me initially, because she wants them to find healing first. As we talk about her children, I sense that she has concerns and needs of her own. I hold out to her that she can benefit from support and TLC, too. Her concerns are often related to PMS and hormonal issues. These cause emotional challenges as she relates to those around her. As we work together, the whole family unit is strengthened.
Do you offer well-woman/gynecology exams?
Though I do not do gyn exams in my office, I am happy to refer a woman to other naturopaths or M.D.’s who do them. I encourage each woman to keep up-to-date with her yearly well-woman exams and other screening imaging that is appropriate for her age and medical history.
Do you use bio-identical hormones in your practice?
Nutrition, herbal medicine, and homeopathy are the tools I use first to address hormone imbalance. I also support a woman’s other systems, i.e. adrenal glands, liver, and thyroid, as these are a part of the delicate hormone dance. I prescribe hormonal treatment when necessary, and consider bio-identical hormones a part of my treatment plan for those who need them. Whether she is a teenager with irregular cycles or a woman entering menopause, she is given the thoughtful care that brings balance to her life.
Why see a blind doctor?
Most of what general practice physicians do is not visual. I gather information, like any other physician, using my other senses. My adept sense of touch and hearing furnish me with most of the information I need during physical exams. I also notice subtle things like the strength of a handshake, changes in voice inflection, and the shift of body position that may mean distraction, discomfort or anxiety. When visual assessment is required, people are available to me to answer my questions regarding what they see. Most of my patients have chronic health conditions that seem like a big mountain to climb. Since I have overcome obstacles, especially as a person who is blind, my patients are encouraged to keep climbing those mountains until they are merely foothills.
What special equipment do you use as a blind doctor?
I have talking equipment including a blood pressure cuff, thermometer and glucometer. No one is anxious for me to get the talking scale, however. I use a talking computer, PDA and scanning software that reads printed text to me.
What tests do you do, including those that assess women’s health?
I often order lab work, and am contracted with Providence. I am also happy to request that labs are run through a woman’s M.D. I have kits available for other test panels to analyze hormone and neurotransmitter levels as well as stool and food sensitivity testing.
How are mind and body connected?
My role model is Jesus, and as a healer, He cared about the body, mind and spirit of all those He met. Since we are physical, emotional and spiritual beings, an imbalance in one of these affects the other. A woman may come in for treatment of constant stomach pain and heartburn. Since she has true physical symptoms, my treatment plan will include ways to reduce the irritation. Behind the stomach pain, however, may be a lot of worry and anxiety about life-events over which she feels powerless. This is why, when she is ready, I explore emotional issues that may be behind physical symptoms. The spiritual nature is also important to me. I do not impose my faith or beliefs, however, but encourage her in her spiritual practice if she has one. Vibrant physical, emotional and spiritual health empowers a woman to fulfill her purpose. It is my joy and privilege to be a part of her process.

Helping Children Heal- Why and How I Work With Kids

What are the most common conditions you treat?
Parents bring their children for a variety of reasons, but among the top three are behavioral issues, GI problems and headaches. These are also frequent reasons for children to miss school. When physical or emotional issues interfere with school performance and social relationships, parents search for answers. They often come to me when they are at their wit’s end and at a loss as to what to do.
What do you like best about working with children?
Children are a delight because they are so open, honest, and vibrant. In their physical or emotional distress, even if they are crying, they are telling us what they need. In working with them, I appreciate their resilience and energy. I also know that helping them to be well, both physically and emotionally, gives them the chance for a full, healthy life.
How does healing a child heal a parent?
Parents don’t often realize they need healing when a child is hurting. A child’s distress can be difficult for everyone, as it upsets the balance of the whole family dynamic. As the root cause of illness is found and treated, both child and family reclaim health. When a child gets better, parent’s worry less and relax into the healing process. They don’t have to try to hold things together, anticipating the next illness or behavioral outburst. This reduces stress for the parent and brings hope and healing.
What is your background and experience with kids?
Before becoming a doctor, I taught classroom music to elementary children. I loved helping them develop their own creativity through the universal language of music. Kids who had challenges, socially or academically, found acceptance and the anticipation of being a part of a musical group. For twelve years, I thoroughly enjoyed working with children and making connections with families. Although musical interests come and go, a child’s health is one of their most important gifts to nourish and strengthen. To be a part of this gives me great joy as a doctor. I see a range of kids, and I specialize in ages 3-7.
What therapies do you use most with kids?
I love using homeopathy with children because its simple, natural and is powerfully effective for physical and emotional conditions. I begin by getting to know the child and his/her concerns and the special way they respond to what happens around them. In this way, I am able to give a remedy that best fits them. I also focus on healthy eating for the whole family, as well as vitamins and supplements when necessary.
How do kids react to the fact that you are blind?
They are often fascinated by me and my technology. Things that talk and special computers and Braille bumps are of great interest to them. More than that, they sense that I love and care about them and make it a safe and inviting place for them to come. Building relationships with families is a joy and an honor and it is my privilege to earn the trust of parents and children as we work together.
Dr. Cooke with a young patient


  • Natural Health Center
    3025 SW Corbett Avenue
    Portland, OR 97201
  • Mailing Address:
    1819 SW 5th Ave., #103
    Portland, OR  97201
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  • For a free 15-minute consult, call: 503.719.6556
  • To schedule an appointment, call the Natural Health Center 503.552.1551 and speak to a friendly front desk associate.